Authenticity Heals

Hello bright beings! Every year my Burning Man experience produces deep lessons that I commit to integrate into my life, and surely, this year was no different. Surrounded by those I call my chosen family, I reached a whole new level of self-acceptance, owning my personality, and bringing forth aspects of me that have been hidden behind my misplaced self-judgment . What if I won't be liked or turn people off? What if people think I'm acting "age-inappropriate"? At Burning man I decided to go for ME. With trepidation, I slid on the cat suit, zipped up the boots, and rolled out to meet my campmates. To my surprise I was received with jaw dropping gazes and loving embraces. People called out to me "There she is!" as if I'd been in hiding this whole time. See, everyone already knows that I'm inherently the person that my attire portrayed (complete with a ceaseless joyful smile). And yet for fear of being mis-understood, alienated and shunned in the "real world" I've often attempted to subdue these parts of me. Letting go of fear of judgement enabled me to comfortably express my sexy, bad-ass, feisty and truth-bringing self. This new found freedom to be exactly who I am and embrace my all is going to be a practice moving forward - until it is deeply woven into every aspect of what I bring into this world, uniquely, beautifully and with respectful integrity So I ask you this - what part of you is longing to emerge from the shadow of your self-judgment and discontent? It's not too late to tap into your truth - to bring forward your unique note into the symphony of life in which we all have a part to play. The longer we are disconnected from the inherent gift of our unique soul expression the more suffering and personal tyranny we exert on our deepest longings and truths.

"The longer we are disconnected from the inherent gift of our unique soul expression the more suffering and personal tyranny we exert on our deepest longings and truths."

My decades long practice of yoga has revealed time and time again that which is inherently true, graceful and forgiving in me. The most profound experience I have of my Authentic Self is while practicing Yoga Nidra -- where limiting beliefs disintegrate into the luminous power of Source. In ancient texts Yoga Nidra is equated with the goddess Durga. She shines with indiscriminate awareness on all she sees. Her loving embrace is pure and all encompassing. She is the revealer and healer and constant reminder of Truth. Whether you need to connect to your true self, find out what's holding you back, or feel deep healing, rest, and rejuvenation, you can experience it all practicing this sublime, ancient, time-tested, and life altering practice. It has helped me reveal my deepest barriers, heal my sharpest wounds, and deal on a daily basis with the unpredictability of life.