How Do You Know If Your Yoga Practice Is Serving You

If there's one thing that I have learned since starting my yoga journey it's this:PRACTICE.  But even our best laid plans, our intentions, and especially our discipline can elude us! How do you find the time? How do you know that your practice is serving you in the best ways?

While you may feel stellar after a great yoga class, it's the more subtle ways in which you interact with yourself, your relationships and your experiences that reveal whether your practice is working for you. In other words, you can tell your practice is working by the measure of your life. Are you happy for the most part? Are you able to weather the storms of the inevitable change and challenge that life serves up? Are your relationships fulfilling?  Do you like who you are?

Renew your plan for a more full, happy, joyful life by being selfish!!!!  I often call yoga practice the most selfish, selfless thing you can do.  Practicing yoga makes you more powerful, creative, less-reactive, and gives you a perspective on life that enables you to view beauty in almost every circumstance. In short, it makes you a better human.

I always endeavor to teach with excellence, and I want to help my students and teachers move from the mundane experience of life to a more clear, elevated perspective. My classes combine not only asana (for every level) but also pranayama, mudra, kriya, meditation and mantra. These are the deeper practices and tools that lead you to the discovery of the happy joyful content YOU that you inherently are. We call this SMARANA or remembrance.