Your Mind Is a Fishbowl

Often times the seminal text of yoga, The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali is oft quoted in public classes and teacher trainings.  I found it to be one of the most confounding texts, wrought with esoterica and seemingly irrelevant sayings for today's modern human.  But once unpacked by an experienced and knowledgable teacher, the simple depths of it's teachings are revealed and in my summation amount to this:  You are not your mind, you are self-essence (or soul) witnessing your manifest experience of life.  I equate this to the image of a fish swimming in a fishbowl.  The fish is your soul, swimming around in the murky waters of your mind.  The murkiness can be attributed to your life experiences, your reactions, your limiting beliefs. If you clear the water, you will live soulfully, you will live joyfully because you will be seeing clearly, unencumbered by all those things that hold you back.

"Through consistent practice, the feeling tone and stillness of a good meditation is a power that can be drawn upon when life presents chaos."

​So?! How do you still the waters so you can see clearly? Meditate.  No really..... meditate. There is nothing more effective and sustainable to get you to peace, joy and clear seeing than meditation.  A bad meditation is a GOOD meditation because it helps you see what distracts your mind. And a good meditation is a memory stored in your subconscious. Through consistent practice the feeling tone and stillness of a good meditation is a power that can be drawn upon when life presents chaos.  Peace, determination, guidance, capacity, inspiration, wisdom, and compassion are all yours. Touch and build their qualities deep in meditation so you can embody them in everyday life.